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Posts tagged ‘collaboration’

Tips for Productive Report Card Conferences

Tips for Productive Report Card Conferences

Photo: NPR Report card conferences are approaching, and we want to make sure that both families and educators are prepared and ready to discuss the progress of students to ensure a clear path for the rest of the school year, especially in this unique environment. Remember that a major goal of these conferences is to...

Families Learn from Each Other at the “Meeting of the SACs”

Have you ever wondered how family engagement works at other schools in the School District of Philadelphia? Well, all you have to do is ask! This past March, members of several school communities in North Philadelphia came together to discuss what School Advisory Councils (SACs) look like in each other schools and exchange helpful tips...

February 2021 SAC Tip of the Month: Collaborating with Other Family Groups

The School Advisory Council (SAC) at schools serves as a collaborative team made up of family members, the school principal, school-based staff, students (for schools grades 7-12), and community members. The main focal points of a SAC are student achievement and academics, school climate and culture, and family engagement. To have strategic conversations about these...
A Community Effort at Chester A. Arthur School

A Community Effort at Chester A. Arthur School

An old saying states that it takes a village to raise a child. At Chester A. Arthur School in Graduate Hospital, it is evident that it takes the efforts of an entire community to have vibrant parent and family engagement. There is a strong sense of all hands on deck at Chester Arthur, which allows...
Academic Parent Teacher Teams are Fully Underway for the 18-19 School Year!

Academic Parent Teacher Teams are Fully Underway for the 18-19 School Year!

Fall is flying by and Academic Parent Teacher Teams are fully underway! This year, the FACE Office is partnering with nine schools to pilot Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) in their Kindergarten through 3rd grade classrooms. The awesome nine schools participating are: Laura H. Carnell   -   Joseph H. Brown   -   Eliza B. Kirkbride   -   Henry...
Big Things are Happening at Nebinger Elementary School!

Big Things are Happening at Nebinger Elementary School!

Nebinger Elementary is South Philadelphia’s best-kept secret where big things are happening. Nebinger‘s School Advisory Council (SAC) works closely with school leadership, as well as with Nebinger’s Home and School Association (HSA) and the Friends of Nebinger, to track and support continued improvements in academic achievement, attendance, and school culture. Last school year, Nebinger‘s SAC...

Academic Parent-Teacher Teams Come to Philadelphia!

Starting in the 2018-2019 school year, the Office of Family and Community Engagement, with support from the William Penn Foundation and WestEd, is bringing Academic Parent-Teacher Teams to nine public elementary schools. Academic Parent-Teacher Teams are revolutionizing the way families and school staff interact and work together—find out more about this awesome program below, and...