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How to Sustain Great Attendance in the Winter Months!

How to Sustain Great Attendance in the Winter Months!

Posted on December 27, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources
While attendance at schools may be hard to maintain throughout the year, during the cold, winter months, attendance rates drop even more than usual. There seem to be even more barriers to getting to school on time in the winter such as the weather, holiday plans, and sickness. However, even during the winter months, active...
Don't Miss the Productive Conversations at Your School's Winter Title I Meeting!

Don’t Miss the Productive Conversations at Your School’s Winter Title I Meeting!

Posted on December 27, 2018
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Categories: Featured FACEs
It’s the most compliant time of the year! Well, maybe our friends in the Office of Grants Compliance would say that the entire school year is the most compliant time of the year but we think there’s no better way for our families to start the new calendar year than by attending their school’s Annual...

Learn the Meaning of True Family-School Partnership at Overbrook Educational Center

At Overbrook Educational Center (OEC) there is a mission that the school abides by: “Own our actions, Put forth our best effort to excel, and Care for all.” These pillar values are apparent even in the family engagement work that is happening at OEC. This past fall, OEC won the Family School Partnership Award, and...
Potter-Thomas All Star Volunteer: Luz Pratts

Potter-Thomas All Star Volunteer: Luz Pratts

Posted on December 27, 2018
Categories: Featured FACEs, Multilingual Family Support
There’s something to be said about what a big difference a consistent parent volunteer makes at any school. The Potter-Thomas Promise Academy community has seen this firsthand through parent volunteer, Ms. Luz Pratts. Ms. Pratts, more affectionately known as “Ms. Luz” at Potter-Thomas, is a parent leader, a member of the School Advisory Council (SAC),...
How to Keep Kids Engaged Over Winter Break

How to Keep Kids Engaged Over Winter Break

Posted on December 3, 2018
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Categories: Featured FACEs
Can you believe winter break is almost here?! While we certainly hope it will be a peaceful and restful one for your family, we also want to make sure students come back to school in January eager and ready to learn. Winter break is a total of 10(!) days this year (including weekends), which may...
December School Advisory Council Tip of the Month - How to Get the Community Involved in SAC

December School Advisory Council Tip of the Month – How to Get the Community Involved in SAC

School Advisory Councils (SACs) are a beneficial platform for school stakeholders to take part in learning about and discussing school issues. The members of a SAC are not only from within the school but also stakeholders outside of the school who may have great things to contribute to the school community. Want more community representation...
Family Leadership Award Winner Glenda White Shows Us the Power of Presence at James J. Sullivan School

Family Leadership Award Winner Glenda White Shows Us the Power of Presence at James J. Sullivan School

Posted on November 30, 2018
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Categories: Featured FACEs
The age-old saying that kindness and joy are contagious is incredibly visible in parent volunteer Glenda White. Glenda is a parent volunteer at James J. Sullivan School in Northeast Philadelphia, and it is apparent that volunteering is not a chore nor an obligation for Glenda but an active and joyful choice that she makes. Glenda...
Interpretation Services 101: Tips and Information for All

Interpretation Services 101: Tips and Information for All

Posted on November 29, 2018
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Categories: Multilingual Family Support
Have you ever wondered about the difference between translation and interpretation? Are you new to utilizing language interpreters in your school community? The Office of Family and Community Engagement’s Multilingual Family Support Team is here to help! Among the many services and supports they provide to immigrant and refugee families throughout the School District of...
Celebrating 25 Years of Service with Pregnant and Parenting Students!

Celebrating 25 Years of Service with Pregnant and Parenting Students!

The Education Leading to Employment and Career Training (ELECT) Program is proud to celebrate 25 exceptional years of service this school year.  ELECT is a statewide initiative, created through a partnership between Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services.  In 1990, these two state agencies envisioned a school-based intervention that would address the needs of...
APTT Individual Sessions…Talk about Family Engagement!

APTT Individual Sessions…Talk about Family Engagement!

Posted on November 29, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources
Back in October, Focus on FACE covered the first of three 75-minute Academic Parent-Teacher Team (APTT) Meetings in nine schools that are piloting the program in the School District of Philadelphia. The goal of APTT is for families and teachers to partner in helping students achieve success with grade-level academics in a way that differs...