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Getting More Families Engaged in Middle and High Schools

Getting More Families Engaged in Middle and High Schools

Posted on January 30, 2019
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Categories: Featured FACEs
A full-house for a SAC Meeting at Furness High School in South Philadelphia. (Photo credit: @FurnessHigh on Twitter) The FACE Office receives many questions about boosting family engagement but getting more middle and high school families involved tops the list. It’s a tough one; family engagement at ALL grade levels can be challenging work, but family...
2017-18 School Progress Results: Now Available!

2017-18 School Progress Results: Now Available!

Posted on January 30, 2019
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Categories: Family News & Resources
On January 30, The School District of Philadelphia released its 2017-2018 School Progress Report (SPR). For the third year in a row, since the School District launched its Action Plan 3.0, we are seeing steady progress citywide. Results released today show that the average Overall SPR score for citywide schools increased nine points from 33 percent...
Family Leadership Award Winner Haviva Goldman: Stepping Forward with New Initiatives

Family Leadership Award Winner Haviva Goldman: Stepping Forward with New Initiatives

Posted on January 30, 2019
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Categories: Featured FACEs
Oftentimes, parents will express that they want to be more involved in their child’s school, but they don’t know how. Maybe it seems like there are too many possibilities and ways to help, or it can be unclear what the needs of a school are and how to step in. In 2009, Haviva Goldman, a...
Family School Partnership Award Winner Julia R. Masterman: Unifying Diverse Populations

Family School Partnership Award Winner Julia R. Masterman: Unifying Diverse Populations

At Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School, there is a convergence of students from all around the city. Masterman has a unique position of being both a middle and high school, and students join the school community at different points. Because Masterman’s population includes students and families from every Philadelphia neighborhood, the student body...
February SAC Tip of the Month: Using Technology to Facilitate SAC Meetings

February SAC Tip of the Month: Using Technology to Facilitate SAC Meetings

Posted on January 30, 2019
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Categories: Family News & Resources
As School Advisory Councils are picking up again in the new calendar year, many schools face similar barriers to participation and attendance at SAC meetings. The administrators at the Academies at Roxborough High School had a conversation with parents about what barriers prevent them from attending school meeting and how they could address them. Roxborough’s...
Duckrey Families Show How SAC Academy Workshops Can Be Adapted for Your School Community

Duckrey Families Show How SAC Academy Workshops Can Be Adapted for Your School Community

Posted on January 30, 2019
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Categories: Family News & Resources
Ms. Haskett and Ms. Clements after the attendance workshop they hosted at Tanner Duckrey School. In December 2018, the FACE office held a SAC Academy workshop called “Discussing Attendance as a SAC.” In this workshop, the attendees participated in an activity where they brainstormed all obstacles that prevent consistent attendance at their schools. After listing...

Kindergarten Registration is Open!

Posted on January 25, 2019
Categories: Family News & Resources
- THRIVE AT FIVE - - Kindergarten Registration - “Kindergarten attendance starts children on the path to academic success,” said Dr. William R. Hite, Superintendent, The School District of Philadelphia. “Children truly thrive at five as they learn how to read and write and grow emotionally and socially.” The District is hoping to make the...
Give Your Feedback on Kindergarten Family Resources

Give Your Feedback on Kindergarten Family Resources

Posted on December 28, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources
We all know how important learning skills, like working and playing cooperatively with others, are for our children. This is why these skills are part of the School District of Philadelphia’s kindergarten report card. In partnership with the district, the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania is creating supports for families to help...

January SAC Tip of the Month: Keep Up the Momentum in the New Calendar Year

Posted on December 28, 2018
Categories: Family News & Resources
Now that the holiday break is coming to a close, it’s time for students and staff to hit the ground running again--and for School Advisory Councils as well! Perhaps your SAC has had one or more meetings in the first half of the school year. Between January and May, SACs should plan to have two...
Ensure Your Child is Prepared for Keystone Exams!

Ensure Your Child is Prepared for Keystone Exams!

Posted on December 27, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources
In just a few days, Keystone Exams will begin for 8th through 11th graders. We know Keystone Exams have the potential to be confusing and stressful for students and families alike, but we’re here to provide some tips on how to make these couple of weeks go smoothly for your child! Before the test Encourage...