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Category: Featured FACEs

Embrace STEM Over the Winter Recess

Embrace STEM Over the Winter Recess

We often hear of the summer slide for students, but let’s talk about the winter slide! Although winter recess is a lot shorter than the summer, it can still be a great time to keep your child learning, exploring, and growing. Consider setting up your child to embrace and explore science, technology, engineering, and math...
The Power of Community Partnership and Collaboration at Stephen Girard Elementary School

The Power of Community Partnership and Collaboration at Stephen Girard Elementary School

Many people think of schools as insular communities that have their own systems, agendas, and cultures. At Stephen Girard School, we have witnessed what can happen when a school begins to incorporate its surrounding community and partners with neighborhood organizations. Stephen Girard School started a partnership with Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel, a local synagogue. Both...
Parent Thomas Bailey Teaches Us The Merits of Volunteering

Parent Thomas Bailey Teaches Us The Merits of Volunteering

Many parents, family members, and community members feel hesitant to volunteer because they think they need endless numbers of hours. Thomas Bailey shows us through his volunteering efforts that you can volunteer in a way that works for your own lifestyle. Mr. Bailey won The Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Volunteer of the Year Award...
Eat Right Philly & Wellness Teams: Helping Our Students Succeed!

Eat Right Philly & Wellness Teams: Helping Our Students Succeed!

Did you know that physically healthy students are better learners?  Implementing strategies that help students eat healthy and be active can result in decreased rates of student absenteeism, fewer behavioral problems, and higher school-wide test scores and grades. In order to promote the health and wellness of our students, the School District’s Wellness Policy states...
Questions for Families and Teachers for Productive Report Card Conferences

Questions for Families and Teachers for Productive Report Card Conferences

As Report Card Conferences quickly approach, we realize that productive conversations must have both listening and responding between families and teachers. Asking specific questions and deeply listening to responses is critical in discussing student progress and future steps for growth. Read this article for suggested questions that family members and teachers can ask each other during...
SAT School Day and How Families Can Support High School Students with the SATs and PSATs

SAT School Day and How Families Can Support High School Students with the SATs and PSATs

In the midst of taking standardized tests throughout the school year, students may lose the big picture of their value. The SAT and PSAT exams, however, should be seen as gateway exams that open up more exposure and access into the college process. The SAT is an admission test accepted by all U.S colleges that...
Establishing Good Homework Habits

Establishing Good Homework Habits

Many teachers will assign homework for students to reinforce the hard work completed within the classroom. Supporting your children with their homework is a great way to remain engaged in their education and stay up to date with classroom news. Focus on FACE has compiled a few helpful tips to help you establish positive homework...
Establish a Great Relationship with Your Child's Teacher this School Year

Establish a Great Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher this School Year

Families feel the start-of-school-year jitters just as much as their children do sometimes. Will my child get along with their peers? What will they learn this year? What school materials do I need to buy? How are they feeling? On top of a slew of other questions, parents wonder what kind of teacher their child...
Tips for Students (And Families) To Stay Physically Active During the Summer

Tips for Students (And Families) To Stay Physically Active During the Summer

While we often emphasize the importance of staying academically alert and engaged during the summer, we may forget that summer is also a great time to stay physically active! It is important for children (and adults) to stay physically active and take advantage of these sunny days. Here are some ways that your child can...
Avoid the Summer Slide this Summer Break!

Avoid the Summer Slide this Summer Break!

Families and teachers alike hope that their students will not disengage from learning over the summer. We know that students are excited about a break, but keeping up with the hard work they’ve been doing all school year can be fun and effortless. Here are some tips that may help your student stay engaged and...