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Category: Family News & Resources

Reading List: Fusing Literacy and STEM

STEM learning does not exist without the skills gained from other subjects in your child's schooling! In the special STEM edition of our newsletter, we wanted to include a list of books about STEM that your child can read or that you can read together! Check out any or all of the following titles: Rosie...
Philadelphia Futures Program Applications Opening January 2020!

Philadelphia Futures Program Applications Opening January 2020!

Philadelphia Futures is recruiting current 8th grade and 10th grade students for our two direct service programs. Admitted students will receive comprehensive, individualized college access and success programming including academic enrichment, college visits, tutoring, extracurricular clubs, summer programming, career exposure, college application guidance, financial incentives and support while in college! Students applying to the Sponsor-A-Scholar Program must...
Eat Right Philly & Wellness Teams: Helping Our Students Succeed!

Eat Right Philly & Wellness Teams: Helping Our Students Succeed!

Did you know that physically healthy students are better learners?  Implementing strategies that help students eat healthy and be active can result in decreased rates of student absenteeism, fewer behavioral problems, and higher school-wide test scores and grades. In order to promote the health and wellness of our students, the School District’s Wellness Policy states...
What Family Engagement Means To Principal Marisol Rivera Rodriguez

What Family Engagement Means To Principal Marisol Rivera Rodriguez

People often ask – what is the key to strong family engagement? While it is hard to respond with one definitive answer for all schools, Juniata Park Academy Principal Marisol Rivera Rodriguez has used a great strategy: ask families what they want! Her commitment to parent and family input and programming led to her receiving...

SAT School Day and How Families Can Support High School Students with the SATs and PSATs

In the midst of taking standardized tests throughout the school year, students may lose the big picture of their value. The SAT and PSAT exams, however, should be seen as gateway exams that open up more exposure and access into the college process. The SAT is an admission test accepted by all U.S colleges that...
High School Resource: Ellis Trust for Girls

High School Resource: Ellis Trust for Girls

The Ellis Trust for Girls funds a range of exciting and meaningful experiences and opportunities to help girls strengthen their academic skills, develop their character, perfect their talents, and discover who they are and who they hope to be! In the 2018/2019 academic year, Ellis spent over $3,000 per student on enrichment activities. Over 200...
School District of Philadelphia Hosts 11th Annual Back 2 School Event

School District of Philadelphia Hosts 11th Annual Back 2 School Event

Thousands of families, community members, vendors, and students joined the School District of Philadelphia for the 11th Annual Back 2 School Event on Thursday, August 22, 2019. Thousands of backpacks stuffed with school supplies were given out and over 100 vendors provided resources, information, and giveaways for all aspects of back to school needs. For the...
Spotlighting the Partnership Between School and Families at Tanner Duckrey

Spotlighting the Partnership Between School and Families at Tanner Duckrey

Teamwork makes the dream work! In few places can we see that more strongly than at Tanner Duckrey School, as families and school staff have partnered together to make the 2019 Outstanding SAC Winning school the best it can be. Principal David Cohen and the leadership team have worked alongside family members to increase family...

Help Your Child Conquer Kindergarten!

Conquering Kindergarten is tough! Children need to learn math, reading, and writing skills, as well as social and emotional skills. The School District of Philadelphia partnered with the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and a group of elementary school teachers to develop a section of the kindergarten report card that includes...
THANK YOU to All Who Participated in the 2019 End-of-Year Family Celebration!

THANK YOU to All Who Participated in the 2019 End-of-Year Family Celebration!

The FACE Office would like to say a huge THANK YOU to families, staff, community members, vendors, and workshop presenters who participated in the End-of-Year Family Celebration on May 24, 2019! It was an awesome and fun night celebrating this school year and blasting off into the summer! The event featured over 20 community resource...