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Category: Family News & Resources

Parent & Guardian and District-Wide Student Survey Now Open!

Every year, the Office of Research and Evaluation conducts surveys multiple school stakeholders. The District-wide Survey program reaches thousands of District students, teachers, principals, and parents/guardians annually. The surveys were designed to capture feedback from the school community on five key topics related to school improvement—climate, instruction, leadership, professional capacity, and parent/guardian-community ties. With an...

Project-Based Learning Schools hold Symposium on Mass Incarceration

Students present their research. The United States prison system, made up of county jails, state and federal prisons, and immigration detention centers, houses over 2 million people, more of its population than any other country in the world. This number has skyrocketed since the early 1970s, with changes in federal and state laws, prison sentencing,...

Philly Schools Make Huge Progress towards Anchor Goals

Have you heard about the School District of Philadelphia's Action Plan 3.0 Anchor Goals? It's been the hot topic over the past couple of weeks as the School Progress Reports were released and major strides were made in key areas for our schools and students. Each of our anchor goals helps to define a high-quality...

Register Now for the Franklin Institute’s Discovery Camp!

Get ready to have the best summer ever at The Franklin Institute! Experience the most hands-on, educational, iconic science summer camp in the Philadelphia area. Whether your child is a Mini Molecule (grades K-2) just discovering the wonders of science, an Awesome Atom (grades 3-6) ready to sink their hands into new and interesting discoveries,...

Scholarship Alert: PHA Cash 4 Success

The Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) is pleased to announce the launch of Cash 4 Success, a new program that will match the savings of participants who want to buy a home, pursue higher education, and/or become entrepreneurs. Eligible Activities Funds can be used for: Homeownership: Closing costs, left over dollars can be applied to the…

FREE Job Readiness Training for Job Seekers

Temple University's Office of Human Resources is hosting a general interest meeting for adult job seekers interested in participating in a FREE 8-week professional leadership development/workforce readiness seminar: "New Opportunities Workshop" (NOW professional development training). Temple University will cover the entire cost of your participation; if interested in learning more about eligibility and enrollment in...
adult with children and box

Bryant School Demonstrates the Importance of School Partnerships

William C. Bryant School students and their families' holiday season became a little brighter and warmer because of the generosity of school partners. Thanks to Advancing Families and Driving Away The Cold Foundations, over 400 NEW coats were provided for students, and over 100 turkeys with the trimmings were given to Bryant families. In addition,...

Green City, Clean Waters 2018 Art Contest

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is now accepting entries on behalf of the Philadelphia Water Department for its Green City, Clean Waters Art Contest! All entries must be mailed by Wednesday, February 28th. Please click here for a brochure containing rules and an entry form. Philadelphia students in grades K-12 attending public, private, charter...

Attendance Hero Sweepstakes

Families and schools across the city are working hard to get children to school every day on time, start to finish, so they've the best shot at becoming great readers and strong students. Grownups, share your superpower tips for getting your family to school every day on time. Use #AttendanceHero #ContestEntry on social media for...

Coming Soon to the School District of Philadelphia: Academic Parent Teacher Teams!

The FACE Office, in partnership with WestEd and the William Penn Foundation, is bringing Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) to Philadelphia! Overview The purpose of this K-3 family engagement early literacy initiative, sponsored by the William Penn Foundation is to fund and support nine elementary schools as they plan, develop, and implement Academic Parent Teacher...