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Category: Family News & Resources

Give Your Feedback on Kindergarten Family Resources

Give Your Feedback on Kindergarten Family Resources

We all know how important learning skills, like working and playing cooperatively with others, are for our children. This is why these skills are part of the School District of Philadelphia’s kindergarten report card. In partnership with the district, the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania is creating supports for families to help...

January SAC Tip of the Month: Keep Up the Momentum in the New Calendar Year

Now that the holiday break is coming to a close, it’s time for students and staff to hit the ground running again--and for School Advisory Councils as well! Perhaps your SAC has had one or more meetings in the first half of the school year. Between January and May, SACs should plan to have two...
Ensure Your Child is Prepared for Keystone Exams!

Ensure Your Child is Prepared for Keystone Exams!

In just a few days, Keystone Exams will begin for 8th through 11th graders. We know Keystone Exams have the potential to be confusing and stressful for students and families alike, but we’re here to provide some tips on how to make these couple of weeks go smoothly for your child! Before the test Encourage...
How to Sustain Great Attendance in the Winter Months!

How to Sustain Great Attendance in the Winter Months!

While attendance at schools may be hard to maintain throughout the year, during the cold, winter months, attendance rates drop even more than usual. There seem to be even more barriers to getting to school on time in the winter such as the weather, holiday plans, and sickness. However, even during the winter months, active...
December School Advisory Council Tip of the Month - How to Get the Community Involved in SAC

December School Advisory Council Tip of the Month – How to Get the Community Involved in SAC

School Advisory Councils (SACs) are a beneficial platform for school stakeholders to take part in learning about and discussing school issues. The members of a SAC are not only from within the school but also stakeholders outside of the school who may have great things to contribute to the school community. Want more community representation...
Celebrating 25 Years of Service with Pregnant and Parenting Students!

Celebrating 25 Years of Service with Pregnant and Parenting Students!

The Education Leading to Employment and Career Training (ELECT) Program is proud to celebrate 25 exceptional years of service this school year.  ELECT is a statewide initiative, created through a partnership between Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services.  In 1990, these two state agencies envisioned a school-based intervention that would address the needs of...
APTT Individual Sessions…Talk about Family Engagement!

APTT Individual Sessions…Talk about Family Engagement!

Back in October, Focus on FACE covered the first of three 75-minute Academic Parent-Teacher Team (APTT) Meetings in nine schools that are piloting the program in the School District of Philadelphia. The goal of APTT is for families and teachers to partner in helping students achieve success with grade-level academics in a way that differs...
Learn About Multilingual Family Supports: Welcome Wagons & Circles of Literacy

Learn About Multilingual Family Supports: Welcome Wagons & Circles of Literacy

The Welcome Wagon activities are an initiative developed by the Multilingual Family Support Unit to educate limited-English proficient (LEP) families of the services, opportunities and resources available to students and families at the School District of Philadelphia. Through workshops and training facilitated by the Bilingual Counseling Assistants (BCAs) and offered at schools, community organizations, and...
A Huge THANK YOU to our Roadmap Conference Participants and CONGRATULATIONS to the Family Engagement Award Winners!

A Huge THANK YOU to our Roadmap Conference Participants and CONGRATULATIONS to the Family Engagement Award Winners!

The FACE Office would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all those family members, students, and community members who joined us for the 2nd Annual Roadmap to Navigating the School District of Philadelphia Family Engagement Conference! The Conference welcomed over 700 people, provided over a dozen workshops presented by District offices, and hosted...
November School Advisory Council Tip of the Month

November School Advisory Council Tip of the Month

One of the exciting aspects of School Advisory Councils is that all school stakeholders have an opportunity to learn about and discuss school wide issues. In schools with grades 7-12, at least one student is required to sit on the SAC, allowing for another important voice and perspective to have a seat at the table....