Coming to FACT on January 31: Legal Rights for Grandfamilies and Kinship Caregivers

Posted on December 22, 2022
Categories: Family News & Resources

For our next FACT workshop, we’re hoping to offer resources and support to the numerous older adults that are acting as primary caregivers and/or helping to raise a student in one of our school communities. That’s why we’ve partnered with Supervising Attorney Heather Kelly and SeniorLAW Center for our latest free online Family Academy: Courses & Training (FACT) workshop via Zoom, which focuses on the legal rights of seniors who are acting as caregivers to one or more of our students.

SeniorLAW Center is an independent nonprofit organization founded in Philadelphia in 1978 built on centering the needs of older Pennsylvanians. The Center’s mission proclaims that: “We exist solely to seek justice for older people by using the power of the law, educating the community, and advocating on local, state, and national levels.” Working for an organization that takes a “holistic approach” to their advocacy and representation efforts, attorney Heather explained that “I love advocating to keep families together and safe, but the best part of my job is the inspiration I get from my clients. It is amazing to see how love for a child empowers my clients to advocate for themselves and their families.”

So, what will be covered at this FACT presentation? Well, there will be a lot of practical information for grandfamilies or, “kinship caregivers”. In our presentation on January 31st, you’ll hear about legal definitions, practical things to know when it comes to legal questions, learn about resources available and where you can turn for help when looking into matters such as custody and other situations. In short, if you have legal questions about the rights of older people acting as the primary caregiver of a student in one of our schools and need help – please do come to our free workshop! As Heather so aptly put it: “After this presentation, I hope that participants will walk away with a better understanding of kinship, and the legal options and resources available to kinship caregivers.”

Want to learn more about our upcoming workshop and FACT? Check out our website HERE and find the link to join our January 31st session Know Your Rights: Grand Families and Kinship Caregivers below, via Zoom: