Families Get Creative Together at Crayola Workshops

Posted on May 26, 2021
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Categories: Featured FACEs

Students and their families enjoyed time spent together creating STEAM-inspired artworks during FACT workshops led by Family Engagement Liaisons Dalila Bedoya and Melanie Oeun-Greenhalgh.  STEAM was a two-part series of FACT workshops; the first was called “The Future Me” facilitated by Family Engagement Liaison Joy McIntosh. STEAM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math is more than a lesson or class; it is a culture focused on engaging students to solve real-world problems.  It prepares children for 21st-century careers by promoting creativity.  We open our minds to new possibilities when we practice the habits of observing, imagining, and creating.  Through this session, educators and families were able to learn how to promote creativity for their students, and students created STEAM-inspired art pieces!

Look out for more information on how you can attend a Crayola workshop for families in Fall 2021!