How to Sustain Great Attendance in the Winter Months!

Posted on December 27, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources

While attendance at schools may be hard to maintain throughout the year, during the cold, winter months, attendance rates drop even more than usual. There seem to be even more barriers to getting to school on time in the winter such as the weather, holiday plans, and sickness. However, even during the winter months, active learning and instruction is still happening in classrooms, and it is important for students to be present at school. Here are some tips on how to keep up good attendance even in the upcoming, winter months.

Have a back-up plan for getting to school. Many obstacles can block the way for your child to get to school in winter weather. Have a back-up plan for getting your child to school. Maybe you can have a carpool plan with other parents who drive to school or maybe you can establish a “walking school bus” to walk children to school with other parents in your neighborhood.

Do your best to keep your child healthy. Dress your child warmly in the cold weather, and encourage your child to wash their hands regularly. Hand-washing is a huge preventative measure against illness. Also, eating a regular breakfast can give the body the energy it needs for the day. The healthier students remain, the less school they’ll have to miss due to illness!

Learn how sick is too sick to send your child to school. Certain symptoms, such as fever, are reasons to keep your child at home. However, not every symptom is a reason to keep your child at home. Learn your school’s policy on how sick is too sick and when to send your child to school.

Plan vacations and holidays on school-issued days off. Try not to schedule vacations and holidays on days when school is in session. Remember, even one or two missed days of school a month add up quickly and can set your child back on the academic material that is being taught in school.

Ensure that your child goes to bed at a reasonable time. Sometimes during the holiday season, students stay up later even on school nights in order to partake in celebrations. Prioritize a way for your child to participate but also go to bed at a reasonable time so that they can make it to school on time the next day. This way, your student won’t miss valuable learning time and be able to stay focused at school

Many factors contribute to a child being able to attend school, every day on time. Parents and guardians play a pivotal role in making sure that children stay healthy, warm, and have ways to get to school even on bad-weathered days. Even though the holidays are a fun time to enjoy with your family and friends, remember how important your child’s learning is. Try to make it a priority for your child to be on time to school–alert and ready to learn each day. It takes a joint effort to fight for regular attendance for all students–let’s work together towards consistent attendance this winter season!


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