William McKinley Holds “Week of Peace”

Posted on April 5, 2018
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Categories: Family News & Resources

Last month, William McKinley School in North Philadelphia held a Week of Peace. This was a challenge for all the students of McKinley to have a full week without any reports of violence, bullying, harassment or disrespect for an entire week. Each class that satisfied all components of the challenge would have a pizza party at the end of the week. The Family Engagement Liaison at McKinley, Rasheeda Hancock, came up with the idea as a way to redirect the climate of the school and make it a more peaceful place. Hancock explains, “I had hope to prove to the students that they could be peaceful with one another and find better ways to resolve their problems.” Monday was the kick off for students and their families which included free pretzels and water for everyone as well as a presentation by Josh Stuab, who spoke about the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). The students also created a human peace sign in the schoolyard to symbolize their commitment to Peace Week.