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Posts tagged ‘student motivation’

Engagement Strategies and Routines in Elementary Math

Engagement Strategies and Routines in Elementary Math

In this series of videos, you will learn how Rachelle Dumornay keeps her students engaged throughout a lesson by using a variety of strategies and routines.     Rachelle Dumornay, 3rd Grade Math, Overbrook Educational Center

Fostering Curiosity at the Beginning of an ELA Lesson

Fostering Curiosity at the Beginning of an ELA Lesson

Trina Pemberton, Pennell Elementary, 5th Grade ELA

Productive Struggle in Phenomenon-Based Learning

Productive Struggle in Phenomenon-Based Learning

Chelsea Maher, Woodrow Wilson Middle School, 8th Grade Science

Student Engagement in Phenomenon-Based Learning

Student Engagement in Phenomenon-Based Learning

Chelsea Maher, Woodrow Wilson Middle School, 8th Grade Science

Anchoring Phenomenon

Anchoring Phenomenon

Chelsea Maher, Woodrow Wilson Middle School, 8th Grade Science

Using a Hook to Introduce Letter Writing

Using a Hook to Introduce Letter Writing

Allison Boyd, McCall Elementary, Grade 2 ELA

Intellectual Prep: Designing a Lesson to Pique Students' Interest

Intellectual Prep: Designing a Lesson to Pique Students’ Interest

Allison Boyd, McCall Elementary, Grade 2 ELA  

Creative Resources to Motivate Readers

Creative Resources to Motivate Readers

Kyrstin Franz, Dobson Elementary, Grade 3

Embracing Mistakes

Embracing Mistakes

Jennifer Tustin, Lingelbach Elementary, 5th Grade

Standards for Mathematical Practice: Making Sense of Quantities

Standards for Mathematical Practice: Making Sense of Quantities

Jennifer Tustin, Anna L. Lingelbach Elementary, 5th Grade