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Posts tagged ‘Phonics’

Effective Phonics Practices in K-2 ELA

Effective Phonics Practices in K-2 ELA

In this series of videos, you will learn how the ELA team at Rowen Elementary implements effective phonics practices across grades K-2. Each video includes live instruction and commentary from students, teachers, and the Rowen principal, Dr. James Murray. Alyxe Fields, Carly Apfelbaum, and Ellen Foster, K-2 ELA, Rowen Elementary

ELA Small Group Instruction in K-2: Initial Sound Practice

ELA Small Group Instruction in K-2: Initial Sound Practice

Stephanie Gribbin, William Cramp School, K-2 Small Group Instruction (K-2)    

ELA Small Group Instruction in K-2: Diphthongs and Digraphs

ELA Small Group Instruction in K-2: Diphthongs and Digraphs

Stephanie Gribbin, William Cramp School, K-2 ELA Small Group Instruction  

Saxon Phonics Full Lesson

Saxon Phonics Full Lesson

Rebecca Toll, William Cramp School, Kindergarten

Kindergarten Phonics- Classroom Practice and Fluency Practice

Kindergarten Phonics- Classroom Practice and Fluency Practice

Virginia Field, William Loesche, Kindergarten Phonics

Kindergarten Phonics- Daily Letter, Sound, and Spelling Review

Kindergarten Phonics- Daily Letter, Sound, and Spelling Review

Virginia Field, William Loesche, Kindergarten Phonics

Kindergarten Phonics- Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Component of Saxon

Kindergarten Phonics- Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Component of Saxon

Virginia Field, William Loesche, Kindergarten Phonics

Kindergarten Phonics- Using Kinesthetic Learning During Alphabet Activities Component of Saxon

Kindergarten Phonics- Using Kinesthetic Learning During Alphabet Activities Component of Saxon

Virginia Field, William Loesche, Kindergarten Phonics

Integration of Phonics into the Morning Routine

Integration of Phonics into the Morning Routine

Tamika Brown, Laura Waring, Kindergarten ELA

Engagement and Accountability in Virtual Instruction

Engagement and Accountability in Virtual Instruction

Katrina Culley, Laura Waring, Kindergarten