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Posts tagged ‘middle school’

Utilizing Prior Knowledge

Utilizing Prior Knowledge

Maxfield Arnosky, Amy Northwest Middle School, 8th Grade

Introducing Vocabulary: Relevance and Engagement

Introducing Vocabulary: Relevance and Engagement

Maxfield Arnosky, Amy Northwest Middle School, 8th Grade

Facilitating a Whole Group Academic Discussion

Facilitating a Whole Group Academic Discussion

Fern Dan, Baldi Middle School, 7th Grade

Manipulatives for Science Concepts

Manipulatives for Science Concepts

Fern Dan, Baldi Middle School, 7th Grade

Standards for Mathematical Practices: Making Sense of Problems

Standards for Mathematical Practices: Making Sense of Problems

Victor Hunter, Chester Arthur School, 6th Grade

Group Problem Solving

Group Problem Solving

Victor Hunter, Chester Arthur School, 6th Grade

Fraction, Decimal, Percent Group Activity

Fraction, Decimal, Percent Group Activity

Victor Hunter, Chester Arthur School, 6th Grade  

Formative Assessment: Students Self-Rating

Formative Assessment: Students Self-Rating

Kara Yanochko, Lingelbach Elementary, 8th Grade

Reviewing Expectations after Transition

Reviewing Expectations after Transition

Kelly Duggan, McCall Elementary, 3rd Grade

Lesson Review with Cold Calling

Lesson Review with Cold Calling

Kathryn Harris, Olney Elementary, 7th Grade