In this series of videos, you will learn how Ms. Schunder and her students the 3 Moment ELD Lesson Framework in HS ELA/ELD. First, Ms. Schunder describes the impact of QTEL on instructional planning. Then, she uses a think, pair, share activity to prepare learners for the poem “A Caged Bird”. Finally, students interact with…
In this video, you will see how Dr. Davis gives her students choice during small group writing. Aimee Davis, Furness High School, HS 10th Grade English
In this series of videos, Ms. Fritz shows how she plans for and delivers instruction that centers her students in HS Spanish. A longer clip of Ms. Fritz’s lesson Jacquelyn Fritz, HS Spanish, Academy at Palumbo
Halana Dash, Kensington CAPA, 10th-12th Grade French
Daniel Reyes, Paul Robeson High School, 10th Grade Spanish