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Posts tagged ‘1e: designing coherent instruction’

Whole Group Discussion in a Number Talk

Whole Group Discussion in a Number Talk

Deirdre Potter, Kirkbride Elementary To view more of Ms. Potter’s Number Talk videos, click the links below: Reviewing Expectations during Number Talks Partner Talk during Number Talks Why Number Talks? (Teacher Interview)

Preparing for Discussion

Preparing for Discussion

Krista Ruddick, Edison High School, ELA

Facilitating Number Talks

Facilitating Number Talks

Joanna Schwartz, Kirkbride Elementary, 2nd Grade

Using Mental Math to Calculate Doubles

Using Mental Math to Calculate Doubles

Joanna Schwartz, Kirkbride Elementary School, 2nd Grade

Approaches to African American History

Approaches to African American History

Alicia Williams, Furness High School, AP US Government

Getting Started with Socratic Seminar

Getting Started with Socratic Seminar

Alicia Williams, Furness High School, AP US Government

Introduction to Socratic Seminar

Introduction to Socratic Seminar

Alicia Williams, Furness High School, AP US Government

Importance of Early Childhood Education

Importance of Early Childhood Education

Veronica Carfagno, Kirkbride Elementary

Benefits of Group Work

Benefits of Group Work

Michele Roland, Baldi Middle School

Small Vocabulary Skills Build to a Bigger Picture

Small Vocabulary Skills Build to a Bigger Picture

Augusto Heinerici, Baldi Middle School