Professional Development Modules

The Exemplary Teaching Video Library (ETVL) Professional Development Modules are “plug and play”  professional development packages which include slide decks with embedded ETVL videos, interactive note packets, teacher practice opportunities, and additional resources and links.

Modules are intended to be used by school leaders, teacher leaders, and coaches to guide teachers through specific skills-based topics.  Some examples of ways in which to do this include:

  • Leading a small-group PD session with a select group of teachers who would benefit from skill-building around a specific topic
  • Using modules and the embedded videos with a larger group to set the bar for a specific skill or group of skills
  • Walking through the module one-on-one with a teacher to build their skills during a coaching meeting
  • Using the videos and/or additional resources linked in each coversheet to provide the teacher(s) with supplemental reading and viewing material

Modules may also be used as self-directed development tools by teachers.

Use the table below to choose a module based on the intended audience, objectives, and related Danielson domain.  Clicking a module title will link you to the module cover sheet, which provides additional information and all other documents related to the module.

We welcome feedback as we continue to build and improve our modules!  Please click HERE to complete a brief survey, or email

ETVL Professional Development Modules

Module Name & Link to Coversheet

Intended Audience


Aligned Danielson Domain/Component

Setting High Expectations

Created by Theresa Capecci
  • K-12 teachers
  • Teachers who could benefit from the opportunity to reflect on the expectations they hold and set for their students
  • Teachers who want to learn concrete strategies for raising expectations in their classroom.
  1. Describe the connection between teacher expectations and student performance
  2. Brainstorm ways you can communicate high expectations to your students
  3. Reflect on current practices to determine whether we are setting our expectations high enough for students.
2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning

3c: Engaging Students in Learning
Building Reading Routines

Created by Jess Jaecks
  • K-3 ELA Teachers
  • Beginning teachers who need to establish routines around reading at the beginning of the year
  • Teachers who are struggling with establishing reading routines
  • Teachers who need to increase active engagement during reading
  • Teachers who are struggling with reading routines and need to reset and reteach reading routines during the year
  1. Name 2-3 routines to add to your reading instruction
  2. Practice teaching the reading routines in an upcoming lesson

2c Managing Classroom Procedures

3a Communicating with Students

3c Engaging Students in Learning
Positive Narration

Created by Jenn Schneider
  • K-12 teachers
  • Teachers who want/need to work on fostering positive rapport with students
  • Teachers who need a refresher on why using positive narration can set the tone for student success
  • Teachers who need to see a model of positive narration
  • Teachers who are looking to make an easy yet impactful adjustment to their classroom management tools
  1. Explain when to use positive narration and why it's an effective management tool
  2. Practice executing positive narration after giving directions
2d: Managing Student Behavior

3a: Communicating with Students
Attention Getters

Created by Rachel Kuck
  • K-12 teachers
  • New teachers or those struggling with classroom management.
  • Experienced teachers who want to refresh their management strategies.

  1. Identify the attention getting signal describe what having students’ attention looks like/sounds like.
  2. Practice executing the attention-getter and monitoring to check for student compliance

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Teaching Routines

Created by Catherine Clever
  • K-12 teachers (three different decks depending on grade band)
  • Beginning or struggling teachers who need support in setting up routines at the beginning of the year
  • Teachers who lack coherent routines in their classroom and need support during the year
  • Teachers who are struggling with routines and need to reset and reteach routines during the year
  1. Identify the steps for teaching routines within various classroom video clips
  2. Apply the steps for teaching routines by planning a routine (or routine reset) in their own classroom
  3. Practice executing the steps for teaching routines

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Building a Positive Classroom Culture, Grades K-3

Created by Lisa Sandner
  • K-3 teachers
  • Teachers who are struggling to build a positive culture within their classroom.
  • Experienced teachers looking for fresh ideas for building a community within the classroom.
  1. Describe why positive classroom culture is the all-important foundation for strong instruction
  2. Identify ways to build relationships with and between students
  3. Plan 1 way to build and/or improve positivity in your classroom in the next two weeks
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Building a Positive Classroom Culture, Grades 9-12

Created by Sharon Connelly-Menotiades
  • High school teachers
  • This module is designed for newer teachers, however, veteran teachers can also reflect on their classroom culture and may find some of the strategies and resources helpful.
  • Best delivered at the start of the school year, but can also serve as a refresher when teachers need a “reset” later in the school year
  1. Describe why positive classroom culture is the all-important foundation for strong instruction
  2. Identify ways to build relationships with and between students
  3. Plan 3 ways to build and/or improve positivity in your classroom in the next two weeks
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Teaching Vocabulary, Grades K-3

Created by Lisa Sandner
  • K-3 literacy teachers
  • Teaches who are looking for strategies for teaching vocabulary
  • Teachers who need support in incorporating vocabulary instruction into their literacy block
  • Teachers of other content areas interested in incorporating and strengthening vocabulary instruction
  1. Identify 1-2 strategies for teaching vocabulary skills
  2. Embed at least one new strategy for teaching vocabulary in an upcoming lesson
Domain 3: Instruction
Teaching Vocabulary, Grades 4-8

Created by Fran Schmuckler
  • 4-8 teachers
  • Teachers who may be directly teaching specific words but not teaching word solving strategies
  • Teachers who want to amplify their vocabulary instruction
  • Teachers who need support in identifying and teaching the types of context clues
  1. Identify the types of context clues within attached material and video clips
  2. Apply the steps for teaching the types of context clues by planning a lesson in their own classroom
  3. Practice executing the steps for teaching the types of context clues
Domain 3: Instruction
Using Questions to Facilitate Learning

Created by Theresa Capecci
  • K-12 teachers
  • Teachers who need support in increasing classroom rigor and developing high level questions.
  • Teachers struggling with active student engagement during instruction.
  • Teachers who want to bring more student discourse into their classrooms.
  1. Describe the connection between effective teacher facilitation and building student independence
  2. Name 2-3 strategies you can use to successfully facilitate student learning through questioning
  3. Embed questioning strategies into an upcoming lesson
3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Checking for Understanding

Created by Theresa Capecci and Jenn Schneider
  • K-12 teachers
  • Beginning or struggling teachers who need support in checking for student understanding
  • Teachers who lack an efficient system for collecting formative student data
  1. Describe the purpose of Checks for Understanding
  2. Name 2-3 different in-lesson assessment strategies
  3. Embed at least two assessment strategies in an upcoming lesson
3a: Communicating with Students

3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

3c: Engaging Students in Learning
Engagement to Build Independence

Created by Christy Ashaba
  • K-12 teachers
  • Teachers who struggle to intellectually engage all learners
  • Teachers who plan lessons that are below grade-level/low rigor
  • Teachers who do most of the thinking and/or talking during a lesson
  • Teachers who do not check for understanding or provide feedback during lesson
  1. Explain why shifting the cognitive load onto students is important.
  2. Name 2-3 engagement strategies that help to shift the cognitive load.
  3. Embed at least one engagement strategy in an upcoming lesson.
3c: Engaging Students in Learning