Office Menu:

Category: Danielson Domain 3: Instruction

Using Turn and Talk to Prime Student Thinking

Using Turn and Talk to Prime Student Thinking

Kimberly Jones, William Loesche School

Teaching Turn and Talk

Teaching Turn and Talk

Nicole Corkery, Hampton Elementary School, 1st Grade

Creating Caring Connections

Creating Caring Connections

Kamia Smith, 1st Grade

Starting a New Year Together

Starting a New Year Together

Kamia Smith, 1st Grade

Connecting with Students from Day One

Connecting with Students from Day One

Augusto Heinerici, High School English

Building Respectful Relationships

Building Respectful Relationships

Catherine Memmolo, Middle School English

Focusing on the First Two Weeks

Focusing on the First Two Weeks

Kamia Smith, 1st Grade

First Grade as a Family

First Grade as a Family

Kamia Smith, 1st Grade

Modeling/Non-Verbal Communication

Modeling/Non-Verbal Communication

Caitlin Nelson, Luis Munoz Marin Elementary School

Structuring Conversations through Collaborative Discourse

Structuring Conversations through Collaborative Discourse

Theresa Ann Capecci, Baldi Middle School