Schools and offices will reopen with a 2-hour delay, on January 21st. Read more HERE.
In January 2024, the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) Office of Finance, in partnership with the Office of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability, conducted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Priorities Survey. A total of 3,641 stakeholders responded to the survey, representing 229 District schools/programs. This slide deck presents a summary of survey results.
In January 2024, the Education Recovery Scorecard issued a report on the first year of Covid-related academic recovery for school districts in 30 states. According to the research team, SDP is outpacing other large urban districts nationwide and many districts in Pennsylvania in recovering from the pandemic. In math, Philadelphia students recovered nearly half a grade level of learning during the 2022-2023 school year. In reading, Philadelphia students also made gains over the same period.