What can we help you find?
Every year, we collect millions of data points on student achievement, leadership, school climate, and progress.
Our offices work with the data to evaluate and report outcomes and develop informational tools.
Our research and evaluation projects are designed to support student learning and development. Our areas of inquiry include college and career development, effective instruction, equity, health and nutrition, literacy, math, and more.
Our District Performance Office (DPO) maintains our Open Data files, develops the School Progress Report on Education and Equity (SPREE), and helps fulfill Data Requests.
We lead the development of school- and District-level comprehensive plans, lead trainings and publish monthly data guides for school leadership and staff, and provide guidance to schools about the policy requirements of various federal programs, including Title I, NCLB, and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). For research and evaluation reports on school supports, click here.
Our Assessment office maintains the Assessment Calendar and coordinates administration of the Keystone, PSSA, PASA, and ACCESS exams, and our District Performance Office develops, scores, and releases our annual school accountability report. We also provide the Board of Education with progress monitoring data aligned to the Goals and Guardrails.
We design and administer the District’s surveys, including the annual Philly School Experience Survey, the state-mandated Senior Exit Survey, and the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Graduate Follow-Up Survey.
We value research that contributes to improved educational outcomes for students. Our Research Review Committee (RRC) reviews and tracks all research efforts in the District.