“Lindley Academy Charter School was founded on the simple principles that a first-rate education is the birthright of every individual, all children can learn, and every child will be challenged to reach his or her full potential. Lindley Academy Charter School at Birney (Lindley Academy) will focus on building communities within each classroom, each grade level and school-wide, through the use of class meetings, buddy classes and monthly scholar assemblies. Class meetings provide teachers and scholars with a forum to get to know one another, discuss issues, identify and solve problems, and make decisions that affect the classroom and school climate. Conducting daily class meetings and monthly scholar assemblies will create an environment in which scholars’ learning, opinions and concerns are taken seriously—and in which scholars participate as valued and influential contributors to the classroom community. As scholars learn to listen and talk to each other, they begin building a safe learning environment.”
- Annual Charter Evaluation (ACE)
Developed annually by the Charter Schools Office (CSO) for all Philadelphia brick-and-mortar charter schools (except those up for renewal), these reports provide information on three main areas of charter school performance: academic success, organizational compliance and viability, and financial health and sustainability.
2023 | 2022 | 2021| 2020 (Renewal) | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2015 - Annual Independent Financial Audits
Financial audits are produced annually by independent auditors for all charter schools in Pennsylvania. All charter schools are required to have an independent financial audit completed every year. Charter school fiscal years (FY) span from July 1 to June 30th. For example, FY20 is July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.
FY23 | Click here to access reports from prior years - Future Ready PA Index
Developed annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), these reports provide an overview of student academic performance in every Pennsylvania public school, including traditional District schools, charter schools, cyber charter schools, and career and technology centers.