The New Lewis C. Cassidy Academics Plus School

Address: 6523 Lansdowne Ave, 19151

Grades: Pre-K-8

Active Project(s): Construction of a new 21st-century learning facility

Cassidy is temporarily housed at the Little Schoolhouse at Robert E. Lamberton Elementary School

The new Lewis C. The Cassidy Academic Plus School will serve 570 students Pre-K-8. The new school will replace the existing demolished Cassidy School. The school will have a total of 20 standard classrooms (2 per grade) and include two music classrooms, an art room, three small group breakout rooms, and three special education rooms, as well as incorporate 21st-century learning environments such as collaborative hub areas, flex labs, and an instructional media center for library stacks and technology spaces. The school also includes a full kitchen, cafeteria, a gymnatorium, and outdoor play and learning areas.

Construction Budget: $55 million

BOE Approval Date: 12/9/21

PIDC Partnership

Currently Under Construction 


Design Complete

October 2022

Construction Start

April 2023

Construction Complete

June 2024

Ground Breaking Ceremony