Posted on August 26, 2024
Categories: News from SDP

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Dear School District of Philadelphia Families,

As we ring the bell on the 2024-2025 school year, I am excited to say welcome back to all of our students and families. I also want to express my gratitude to our fantastic School District of Philadelphia employees – school leaders, teachers, central office and support staff  for their tireless efforts to prepare for a successful year. They have worked diligently to ensure that students return to clean and safe buildings, classrooms stocked with high-quality curriculum and resources, and environments where they are cared for by highly qualified, well-supported, dedicated educators. The video below explains more about what we’ve accomplished this summer, and what our focus will be this school year:


Finally, I want to introduce you to two new resources that are designed to prepare students and families for the year, and support you throughout the year. The newly designed and interactive Code of Conduct provides essential information on our office directory, attendance policies, dress code, virtual learning protocols, community responsibilities, student and guardian rights, and more. And the comprehensive new District Guidebook provides information about, and resources from, the most critical offices within the District, in order to help support a successful year for all students and families. I encourage you to familiarize themselves with both of these valuable resources.

As I begin my third year as your superintendent, I am filled with a sense of pride and anticipation. And I want to encourage all students and staff to join me in seeking joy, one of the core values in our strategic plan, this school year. Thank you for the opportunity to work together to become the fastest-improving large urban school district in the nation.

In partnership,

Tony B. Watlington Sr., Ed.D.
The School District of Philadelphia