Posted on April 9, 2024
Categories: Student of the Month

Adia Davis, a senior at Abraham Lincoln High School, has been named Senior of the Month for March. This honor recognizes Adia’s exceptional leadership, dedication, and positive impact on her school community. As a member of the Student Government and the ALHS Student Ambassadors, Adia has demonstrated outstanding time management skills while excelling academically, working a part-time job, and actively participating in extracurricular activities. Her unwavering commitment to her studies, her school, and her community embodies the true spirit of a Railsplitter.

Adia’s remarkable motivation and dedication to leading by example have not gone unnoticed. Her ability to balance her rigorous academic schedule with her commitment to service and leadership is a testament to her strong work ethic and unwavering focus. Adia’s humble acceptance of her mistakes as opportunities for growth aligns perfectly with the Railsplitter values of honesty, respect, and compassion.

Adia’s future aspirations include attending an HBCU to earn an MBA and establishing her own real estate company to promote diversity in communities by creating housing opportunities. Adia has been accepted into over 10 univeristies including Drexel University, Lasalle University, Temple University, West Chester University, Shippensburg, Arcadia University, Clark Atlanta University, Georgia State University, Louisiana State University, Manor University, Morgan State University, Delaware State University, and Widner State University. Whichever institution she decides to attend, Her bright future is sure to be filled with success and impact. Congratulations, Adia, on being named Senior of the Month!

We asked Adia some of our favorite questions: 

1. What does being named Senior of the Month mean to you?

Senior of the month means dignity and being recognized as an individual for my accomplishments. I feel like all the hard work is finally paid off and seen by important people.

Took advantage of the opportunities that were presented and offered to me. I took it upon myself to reach the goals I have accomplished through my own agency and determination.

Advocating for yourself has been something I have been able to grow on. The encouragement from teachers and staff to excel in these areas of my life has been something I deeply appreciate.

2. Why do you think you were nominated for Senior of the Month?

I feel like I was nominated for Senior of the Month based on my school work ethic and diligent drive. I have to better myself and motivate others to do the same. I feel like they saw the dedication I had for my future goals and plans to be a successful business woman in the future. The potential I bring to the table, the strong mindset by my effort, and the professionalism I always grew up with respect and taking care of all my responsibility in advance.

3. You were nominated by Ms. McCray. Explain your relationship to him/her. Why do you think s/he nominated you specifically?

Ms. Mcray is an amazing person for nominating me for this opportunity. I feel like I was given this opportunity to shine due to my improvement throughout my high school career, keeping a high GPA and joining the National Honor Society. I always make sure I get my work done in advance and it is always ahead of my class. I am a former varsity high school cheerleader, student ambassador, tutor, volunteer accountant, basketball manager and mentorship club leader being able to push through all of these extra activities and still keep high grades. A person I wanted to truly nominate is Mr. Wardlaw for being a guy figure in my life since I never had a father growing up. He has been there for me since I started 9th grade to know me being a senior. He watched me grow and progress as an individual seeing how much I have overcome and how far all my accomplishments have been. He has been around every step of the way.

4. What is one thing you’d like to share about yourself that most people don’t know about you?

One thing I would like to share with others about myself, is that I am hustle minded, always focused on my future and what’s my next step in life. I like to work for what I truly deserve, I don’t like things just given to me so everything is earned. I love to challenge myself the way I did that overtime by putting myself into honors classes and dual enrollment programs to make my future easy when it comes to colleges and future programs I plan on one day joining.

5. What do you enjoy most when you are not at school?

I enjoy the most outside of school learning about real estate and map out my future. Researching and making vision boards makes me put my dreams into reality which gives me purpose. I love to make money to prove my wants and needs by working. I enjoy learning new recipes trying to improve my cooking and baking skills at all times. I also like to enjoy time with family and friends when possible. It makes me not feel alone and comforts my heart in many ways.

6. In your opinion, what is the best thing about attending school at Abraham Lincoln High School?

The best thing about attending Abraham Lincoln High School is it provides dual enrollment and diversity both are impactful benefits to students’ high school careers. The dual enrollment program gives students the ability to get college and high school credits to make the first year of college easier giving better opportunities. The diversity in Abraham Lincoln High School is outstanding. You can run into so many intelligent students. Different faces and connections make everybody feel accepted. So many clubs and sport organizations to join to feel complete and noticed is what truly makes Abraham Lincoln High School publicly stand out.

7. In your opinion, what is one thing that the School District could do to improve our service to students?

I feel like the school district could improve its WIFI connection and water. The WIFI connection can be a struggle doing my assignment sometimes, I cannot get to the assignments or I feel locked out of something due to it being blocked. It can be challenging to do some things on my computer. The water should be free in my opinion instead of the milk. Many have allergies that I feel like water should be giving without having to pay from a vending machine. Water is a main thing everyone needs since it is an essential to life.