Mary Franz – February 2020 Teacher of the Month

Mary Franz – February 2020 Teacher of the Month
Mary Franz is a 9th grade English and 12th grade Social Sciences teacher at Robeson High School. Mary’s nominator, Teacher Resident Daniel Reyes, says that she goes above and beyond to create a classroom environment that promotes equity and appreciates differences. “She has the capacity to directly confront prejudices in the classroom,” said Mr. Reyes. “She does it with compassion. She pushes students to embrace the humanity of those different from them rather than shaming them for holding prejudices.” Her students and colleagues agree that she is committed to providing a safe haven for all people. She listens and seeks to understand, uniting her students and her school in the process.
Mary’s dedication to creating comfortable and safe spaces also allows her to excel as a teacher. She has developed distinct and differentiated approaches to teaching 9th and 12th graders. Her 9th graders participate in a Freshmen Seminar designed to help them transition into high school by teaching them organizational and planning skills. Her 12th graders complete the Working People’s Project that guides seniors through a curriculum that includes lessons on securing a job, navigating the housing market, and personal finance.
Mary, you are an incredible asset to Robeson and the School District! Thank you for being part of the progress!