Dropping Out
A student disengaged in a large, comprehensive school on the verge of dropping out.
Behind on Credits
A student who is behind but not eligible for an accelerated program due to their age or grade level.
Behavioral Support
A student with repeat low-level school violations, needing additional behavioral supports.
Returning to School
A student who stopped coming to school, returns, and needs academic intervention.
Discipline or Expulsion
A student transitioning from discipline or expulsion needing to sustain progress and success.
System Involvement
A student with multi-social system involvement being lost in the cracks at a large school.
Returning from Placement
Student returning from placement who wants a step-down environment before returning to a larger setting.
Returning from Virtual School
Student who withdraws for virtual school and falls behind, and wants to return to a brick and mortal school to catch up.
Parent Request
Students whose parent(s) request for alternative placement due to social or safety concerns at their traditional school.