Alternative Learning Options

You Need Options. We are Here to Help!

The School District of Philadelphia understands that every student has unique needs. For some, life outside of school makes traditional education challenging. That’s why we offer alternative schools and programs tailored to support your success, ensuring you graduate ready for college or a career.

Ready to Get Back on Track?

Meet with a Re-Engagement Specialist to explore your options.

The Re-Engagement Center

Ready to Get Back on Track? Make Your Appointment Today!

The Re-Engagement Center is here to help you find the best path back to school. Whether you’re re-enrolling or exploring new education options, we’re your one-stop shop for information and support.

Schedule a meeting with a Re-Engagement Specialist today to find the right education option for you and start working toward your high school graduation goals!

Don’t wait—take the next step and get back on track now!


Accelerated Programs

Accelerated High School Programs are designed for students who want to get back on track to graduate within three years or less.

Interested students must be:

  • Between the ages of 16-21
  • Be at least two years behind in school
  • Have already earned 13.5 or fewer high school credits

Ready to Get Back on Track?

Meet with a Re-Engagement Specialist to explore your options.

Gateway to College, a Dual Enrollment Program

Earn High School Diploma & College Credits
Gateway to College is a unique partnership with the Community College of Philadelphia that allows students who have dropped out of school the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and college credits at the same time.

Postsecondary Support
Students enrolled at Gateway to College have access to individual student support and intensive case management to help navigate the college access process. Resources include college and career exploration, SAT preparation, resume, cover letter, and admissions essays support, and more.

Tuition & Books Coverage
Tuition for college courses that students take as a part of the Gateway to College program are covered, making it easier for students to finance their postsecondary education while obtaining their high school diploma. The program also covers books needed for those classes.


  • You are between the ages of 16 and 21
  • Not currently attending school, do not have a GED, and have been out of school for at least 3 months
  • You live within the boundaries of the School District of Philadelphia
  • You are able to perform in college-level courses as determined by a Reading and Math assessment
  • Have reading ability at an 8th-grade level or higher
  • Apply and attend an orientation held at CCP

Get Started!

Register for an Upcoming Enrollment or Information Session

Transition Programs

The Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Program provides a combination of intense, individual academic instruction and behavior modification counseling in an alternative setting to assist students in returning successfully to their regular classroom.

  • PA Common Core Instruction
  • Character, Social/Emotional Learning
  • Counseling & Referrals
  • Personalized Learning & Transition Plan
  • Supportive Services & Case Management
  • Low Student/Staff Ratio

Understanding AEDY

Placement in an AEDY Transition program is meant to be temporary, rather than a permanent school placement.

Behavior Issues
Students are only placed in an AEDY Transition program when severe or persistent behavioral problems require more intensive intervention services.

Additional Supports
AEDY Transition Programs are designed to provide additional behavioral supports and interventions, including counseling.

Similar Academics
Academic courses of student are similar to what students would receive at a traditional school.

The goal for each student in an AEDY Transition Program is to transition to a traditional school setting.

What AEDY Is Not

Long-term Placement
AEDY Transition Programs are temporary in nature, rather than a long-term placement to maintain disruptive students until graduation.

Special Education Program
AEDY Transition Programs are not special education programs for emotional support students and/or therapeutic support programs.

Credit Recovery
While AEDY Transition Programs are designed to provide similar academic courses and services as traditional school settings, they are not credit recovery programs.

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Prior Interventions
    The school code required interventions prior to AEDY placement are to ensure, in part, that placements are appropriate and consistent for all students regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, sex, disability, or sexual orientation.
  2. Referral
    Students must meet specific criteria before it can be determined that placement in an AEDY program is appropriate. At this time, all Pre-Referral documentation is completed via this form(AEDY Referral Form).
  3. Informal Hearing
    Due process must be provided prior to placement including an informal hearing in accordance with PA School Code (22 Pa. Code §12.8(c)).

    • Review relevant information regarding the disruptive behaviors
    • Students right to provide a defense and answer accusations
    • Determination if AEDY placement is warranted
  4. Transition
    Transition Planning meetings are attended by the program staff, the student and a parent or guardian, and a Transition Liaison. There the student will receive a Personalized Learning Plan and will work with staff to transition into the AEDY program.

Ready to Get Back on Track?

Meet with a Re-Engagement Specialist to explore your options.

Program Locations

Continuation Programs

Continuation programs support students who are struggling in traditional school settings and prepare them for successful transition into traditional/alternative programs, which lead to graduation and postsecondary success.

Understanding Continuation Programs

Key components of these programs involve intensive acceleration in Reading and Mathematics, personalized education plans, character education, leadership training, and the Jobs for the Future common instructional framework.

  • Personalized Learning
  • High School & Career Exploration
  • Social & Emotional Learning
  • Supportive Services
  • Low Student/Staff Ratio
  • Grades 6-8

Who We Serve

Dropping Out
A student disengaged in a large, comprehensive school on the verge of dropping out.

Behind on Credits
A student who is behind but not eligible for an accelerated program due to their age or grade level.

Behavioral Support
A student with repeat low-level school violations, needing additional behavioral supports.

Returning to School
A student who stopped coming to school, returns, and needs academic intervention.

Discipline or Expulsion
A student transitioning from discipline or expulsion needing to sustain progress and success.

System Involvement
A student with multi-social system involvement being lost in the cracks at a large school.

Returning from Placement
Student returning from placement who wants a step-down environment before returning to a larger setting.

Returning from Virtual School
Student who withdraws for virtual school and falls behind, and wants to return to a brick and mortal school to catch up.

Parent Request
Students whose parent(s) request for alternative placement due to social or safety concerns at their traditional school.


To refer and enroll in a Continuation program, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Prior documented interventions (RtII/MTSS; Evaluation)
  • Ruled-out need for a special education evaluation or high level of care for behavioral health services
  • No pending disciplinary transfers or recent lateral transfers
  • Student is struggling academically and socially
  • Special education documents in compliance (only LS/ES; itinerant and supplemental)
  • Student is not responding to interventions and could benefit from individualized support
  • Parental consent agreement

How Do I Get Started?

  1. School submits Referral Packet to
  2. Referrals are reviewed by the District and recommendations/feedback and next steps are given to the school by the Transition Liaison (TL)
  3. Referring Schools notify families about the Continuation Referral opportunity
  4. The Transition Liaison will contact families to gain interest, consent and schedule orientation
    Note: Parent and student are required to attend an orientation

Want to Learn More or Enroll?

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about these programs or enrolling, we're here to help!

Adult Education Programs

The District offers a variety of options for students 18 years or older to return to school to earn their high school diploma. Prospective students can choose from the two adult education/night school options below.

Adult Diploma Programs at One Bright Ray

The Adult Diploma program is specifically designed for adult learners, meaning anyone 18 years or older who is interested in receiving their high school diploma. The average age of students is 33 years old. The One Bright Ray Evening Programs are accelerated (meaning you can potentially finish faster) and do not have a minimum credit requirement, meaning you can enroll even if you have earned zero credits.


You are eligible to attend One Bright Ray Community High School (Evening Program) if you are:

  • 18 years of age or older (no upper age limit)
  • At least 1.5 years or more behind and/or not enrolled in school.

One Bright Ray CHS admits students of many different ages and circumstances, regardless of previous academic success. There is no minimum credits requirement to enroll at One Bright Ray.

How Do I Get Started?

To apply to One Bright Ray CHS, submit a student application form online or visit any campus to apply in person.

You can also submit an appointment request through the Re-engagement Center to request a referral to either evening campus.

Ready to Apply?

Submit your application online or visit any campus to apply in person.

Educational Options Program (EOP)

EOP is a district-managed program designed to allow adults who have dropped out or were unsuccessful in a traditional full-day high school setting to earn credits towards a high school diploma.

  • 18 years of age or older (no upper age limit)
  • Opportunity to earn 6 or more credits towards graduation
  • Offered three times a year from October through June


Potential students interested in enrolling in an EOP must meet each of the circumstances below:

  • Students must be 18 years or older (no upper age limit).
  • Must have earned 8 or more high school credits prior to enrolling.
  • Students cannot be enrolled in traditional day school.

Registration & Session Dates

Registration Dates

  • First Cycle: September 3 – 20, 2024
  • Second Cycle: December 1 – 9, 2024
  • Third Cycle: March 1 – 7, 2025

Session Dates

  • First Cycle: October 1 – December 12, 2024
  • Second Cycle: January 6 – March 13, 2025
  • Third Cycle: March 24 – June 5, 2025


Benjamin Franklin High School EOP
550 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130
(215) 400-7600 Option 2

Northeast High School EOP
1601 Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111
(215) 400-3200

South Philadelphia High School EOP
2101 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148
(215) 400-8400 Option 3

Academy of Continued Education(ACE)

Virtual Learning Support for Students Facing Temporary Barriers

The Academy of Continued Education (ACE) provides fully virtual, teacher-led academic support for K-12 students facing temporary barriers to in-person instruction due to illnesses, injuries, or other circumstances. ACE ensures continuity in education through grade-level and adaptive learning, helping students maintain their academic progress during challenging times.

Who can participate in ACE?

Students experiencing a temporary barrier to in-person instruction for a period of time must be referred to receive support upon approval of homebound, teen parent leave, or short Term Illness/Injury, or other approved extenuating circumstances.

  • Specific Information for Homebound Students: In order for a student to be eligible for ACE, a physician must certify that the student is under medical care for an illness or injury that is acute, catastrophic or chronic in nature and unable to attend school for a period of at least three weeks.
  • Specific Information for TPLS Students: The Teen Parent Student Liaison or other approved school staff such as a school nurse, social worker or counselor shall make all students aware of the services offered through the ELECT program. If students consent, a referral shall be made to the ELECT program by filling out the ACE Student Referral Form. The Teen Parent Student Liaison or other approved staff will also enter data pertaining to students’ parenting status in the Student Information System only after obtaining consent.

What is the class schedule for students?

Click here to view the Schedule.(coming soon)

Are students instructed by a teacher?

Yes, students are instructed by School District of Philadelphia teachers in a Google Classroom.

How are ACE students able to access virtual instruction?

Once ACE has been notified that a student will be joining the program, a welcome email will be sent out to students, families, and the student’s home school that contains a schedule and Google Classroom links to access their virtual classrooms.

Does ACE follow the School District of Philadelphia’s Academic Calendar?

Yes, ACE follows the SDP Calendar.


Alternative Education Progress Reports
The Alternative Education Progress Report (AEPR) is an innovative tool designed to provide a high-level overview of how our alternative programs are performing.

Operational Walk-Through Reports
Operational Walk-throughs are formal observations during which a review team focuses primarily on the operational aspects of a program for the following domains:

  • Vision for Learning
  • Family & Community Relationships
  • School Safety
  • Positive Environment, High-Quality Instruction
  • Talent Development
  • Data Integrity

Instructional Walk-Through Reports
Instructional Walk-throughs are formal observations in which a review team focuses primarily on the main instructional aspects of a program.

Contact Us

The Re-Engagement Center
For students interested in returning to school to complete their high school diploma, please fill out the Re-Engagement Center Appointment Request form.

440 N. Broad St. Suite 1013

Transition & Continuation Services
For parents or guardians, school-based staff, or other child serving agency interested in more information on our Transition and Continuation services, please contact us below:
