
Athletic participation helps our students grow, learn, and enjoy themselves while they use and develop their personal, physical and intellectual skills.

About Athletics

Welcome to the Division of Athletics at The School District of Philadelphia. On our site, you will find the various athletic programs and initiatives that The School District of Philadelphia has to offer. It is our goal to engage as many students as we can in the health and wellness that our athletic programs offer.

What Athletic Programs are offered at the District?

Athletics fall into two main categories:

  • those we offer in partnership with the Philadelphia Public League, which are:
  • or intramural programs which are
    • for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL students and
    • run in partnership with other programs including OST

Where can I find school and team schedules?

All school and team schedules can be located on ArbiterLive. To search for a specific school, type the name of the school in question in the search bar.

Athletic Philosophy

The School District of Philadelphia’s Division of Athletics, with its long and storied tradition of success in the Philadelphia Public League, operates with the commitment to educate our student-athletes on the importance of values and teamwork. As a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) and the Philadelphia Public League (PPL), we look to give our student-athletes the best possible experience during their years in our schools. Athletics are a privilege at all District schools and we emphasize the role of the student before the athlete.

Our coaching staff consists of dedicated men and women who serve as outstanding role models for our student-athletes. These coaches understand that besides competing to win, their role as a coach includes development of character, development as a player, and sportsmanship on all levels. The athletic philosophy at The School District of Philadelphia is no different from our academic philosophy – the playing fields are an extension of the classroom.

The student-athletes at our member schools understand they represent not just themselves and their family, but the entire school community when they put on their uniform. How they conduct themselves on and off the field is important to their overall well-being and attitude towards success.

How do I add programs or modify existing programs at my school?

For schools hoping to add programs or modify existing programs, please contact our Executive Director of Athletics, James Patrick Lynch at 215.400.4190 or

Use of Athletic Facilities for non-school district entities

The Office of Facilities & Operations organizes and schedules all request for use of our Athletic Facilities for non-school district entities. Information on the Use of Facilities process, applications, forms, and a list of related costs can be obtained by visiting their website.

Office of Facilities Management and Services

Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Information

The Division of Athletics for the School District of Philadelphia is responsible for the distribution and maintenance of all AED units for member public schools within the district. It is imperative that schools have access to AED devices to ensure the safety of students and staff in the event of a cardiac emergency.


The Division of Athletics currently distributes and services Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 AED units:

Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 units are the only units that are currently serviced. If your building has any other brand or model of unit, our department will NOT be able to provide equipment or service to these units. If you wish to have a unit replaced, please contact Gavin Tulone at or at (215-400-5696).

AED Storage Locations

While each School District of Philadelphia site is different in size and layout, it is recommended that AED units be located within or in close proximity to these locations inside/outside of your building:

Main Office: The main office is the center of communication for each SDP building in the event of an emergency and a safe area to store these devices away from students.

Nurse’s Office: In most medical emergencies, the nurse is the first point of contact and potentially the most readily available.

GYM/Athletic Complex: While cardiac emergencies involving students are rare, they are very possible. The most likely time that a student could suffer a cardiac emergency is during physical activity or an athletic competition.

How to store an AED

AED devices should be kept in a secure yet accessible location that is away from students. It is recommended that these units be stored in wall-mounted cabinets that are provided by the Division of Athletics. Wall-mounted cabinets generally come in two forms:

These cabinets are not required for storage of AED units, however the Division of Athletics would like to outfit as many AED units as possible with appropriate methods of storage if requested.

AED Maintenance and Upkeep

It is the responsibility of each School District of Philadelphia site to maintain all AED units within their respective locations. The following equipment should be checked and recorded in an appropriate manner to ensure that each unit is functioning properly.

AED Electrode Pads:

There are two types of electrode pads: adult and pediatric (pediatric pads are only given to buildings with elementary and middle school students. Buildings with only high school students do not need pediatric pads unless special requirements are given)

Each set of pads has an expiration date which is located on the back of the pad. When this date passes, the pads are no longer useable and need to be replaced. The unit will let you know when pads have expired.

It is important to know that pediatric pads are only to be used in an emergency. Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 units are programmed to recognize adult pads only. While pediatric pads will work in the device, they are NOT to be stored within. The unit will display a Red X in the “Rescue Ready” window and will beep until adult pads are replaced.


While batteries can last anywhere from 3-5 years, the exact date of expiration is highly variable. The date located on the back of an AED battery is the Manufacture Date and NOT the Expiration Date. Cardiac Science Powerheart G5 units will notify you when the battery is about to expire. If you would like to check the health of your battery, simply open the device and look at the battery gauge, located in the bottom left corner of the display box:

When the bottom most light is blinking red, the battery needs to be replaced (blinking red does not mean that the battery has completely expired).

Equipment Disposal

All AED defibrillator pads can be disposed of in the regular garbage. The only piece of equipment that cannot be disposed of in regular ways is the battery. Due to the lithium core, batteries cannot be thrown away in the garbage. The Division of Athletics will collect old batteries during site visits and dispose of them through our office. Additionally, all batteries can be taken to any OfficeMax or OfficeDepot for proper disposal.

It is the Division of Athletics goal to make sure that all of our SDP sites are equipped with the appropriate units for a safe and worry-free environment. We understand that each SDP site is unique and requires different amounts of equipment to best satisfy the needs of the building

Any questions or concerns regarding AED service, distribution, or any of the information provided above can be sent to Gavin Tulone at and at (215-400-5696).


The Division of Athletics thanks all of our sponsors!

If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact

Select an Athletic Program to learn more:

Middle Grades Conference

What is the MGC?

  • Interscholastic athletics for students in the Middle Grades, 6th-8th grade, in schools of the School District of Philadelphia and participating Philadelphia charter schools,
    • Participants will enjoy the benefits of the physical fitness, teamwork and discipline that involvement in athletics can bring.
  • The MGC recognizes athletics as an extra-curricular activity and asserts that participation in athletics is a privilege, and not a right, for those student-athletes who participate

Which schools participate in Middle Grades Conference?

What sports does the Middle Grades Conference offer?

Fall Season

  • Field Hockey
  • Football
  • Golf (Co-Ed)
  • Soccer (Co-Ed)
  • Girls Volleyball

Winter Season

  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Basketball

Spring Season

  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Boys Lacrosse
  • Girls Lacrosse
  • Track (Co-Ed)
  • Boys Volleyball

Philadelphia Public League

What is the PPL?

  • Interscholastic athletics for students in schools of The School District of Philadelphia and participating Philadelphia charter schools,
    • Participants will enjoy the benefits of the physical fitness, teamwork and discipline that involvement in athletics can bring.
  • The Philadelphia Public League recognizes athletics as an extra-curricular activity and asserts that participation in athletics is a privilege, and not a right, for those student-athletes who take part in the variety of sports offered by the Philadelphia Public League.
  • The Philadelphia Public League dedicates itself to establishing and maintaining the highest standards of good sportsmanship, fair play and citizenship, so that students’ participation in interscholastic athletic programs enriches their educational experience.
  • The Philadelphia Public League commits itself to a principle of equal access to its interscholastic programs for all students that takes into consideration factors that affect the ability of students to participate safely in sponsored athletic events.
  • The Philadelphia Public League shall also abide by, comply with and carry out the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA).
    • For a complete breakdown on all PIAA Rules, Regulations, and Procedures, click HERE!!

What sports does Philadelphia Public League offer?

Fall Season

  • Cross Country
  • Field Hockey
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Boys Soccer
  • Girls Soccer
  • Girls Tennis
  • Girls Volleyball

Winter Season

  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Swimming
  • Wrestling
  • Indoor Track
  • Competitive Spirit

Spring Season

  • Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Boys Lacrosse
  • Girls Lacrosse
  • Track & Field
  • Boys Tennis
  • Boys Volleyball

What schools participate in Philadelphia Public League?

Penn Relays

Your school is invited to participate in the 128th running of the Penn Relays, on April 25-27th, 2024. We are encouraging all of our schools to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

With the permission of your school’s Principal, a staff member from your school will be permitted to sponsor a team(s) and attend the “Relays”. Please feel free to contact us if you need any clarification.

Field Trip Opportunity

In addition, the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Relay Carnival would like to invite your school to attend the “Relays” at a vastly reduced cost as a field trip.

Read below for more Information and to Register, or click HERE

Questions can be directed to:

Teams & Events

Date: April 25-27th, 2024

Teams: For 2024 each school is permitted to enter:

Fourth Grade Team (One)
Fifth Grade Team (One)
Sixth Grade Team (One)

All teams must be COED!!!

4×100 events

Small School Girls’ 4×100
Small Schools Boys’ 4×100
Large School Girls’ 4×100
Large School Boys’ 4×100

Note- Divisions are determined by the number of students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Organizers will determine which division teams are in.

Shuttle run events 

Fourth Grade Shuttle Run Elementary Schools
Fifth Grade Shuttle Run Elementary Schools
Sixth Grade Shuttle Run Elementary Schools

Trials to Determine Finalists

Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Time: 1:30 PM
(Rain Date – Thursday, April 11, 2023.  at 1:00 PM)

Site – Gratz Supersite


The eight (8) teams with the best qualifying times will participate in the event finals at the Penn Relays on Friday, April 26, 2024.

How to Register your School

To register your team(s) please complete this Registration Form

Elementary School or Middle School Shuttle Run Team

Deadline: Registrations must be received by Monday, April 22nd, at 3:00pm.

  • You will receive an email confirming that your registration has been received and processed.
  • Please remember to select the SUBMIT button to activate your registration request.

Middle Grades 4×100

Deadline: Entries must be received no later than April 5th, 2024.
Schools with grades sixth through eighth grades are eligible to participate in this event. Schools may enter both a girls’ and boys’ team.

Large School Girls and/or Boys Team

Teams entered will be divided into two divisions (Large and Small) based upon enrollment of sixth, seventh and eighth graders. After your application has been received and processed, you will receive a confirmation email

PLEASE NOTE: It is our intention to keep all schools that have completed the registration process updated via email. Coaches will then be able to better prepare the participants for their race.


  • Participants in the 300-yard shuttle relay must wear either rubber soled track shoes or sneakers.
  • Participants must wear proper uniforms. This includes matching shirts and shorts.

Event Procedures

  1. Each team (4 pupils) is divided into two groups (1 & 3) and (2 & 4)
  2. 1 & 3 stand facing 2 & 4 – 75 yards apart.
  3. At the gun, student #1 runs forward and passes the baton to student #2. This student runs forward and passes the baton to student #3.
  4. This process continues until student #4 crosses the finish line.

NOTE: Special officials will be monitoring all starts and baton passes. Seconds will be added to team’s final time for jumping, starts or passes.

Elementary School or Middle School Shuttle Run Team

  • This event is conducted on the turf and not on the regular track.
  • Scheduled time is 11:45.
  • Teams must be ready to assemble in the lower sections of SA or SB by 11:30.
  • Schools may enter one team for each grade level offered. (Fourth, fifth and sixth grade)
  • If a school is entering a team that consists of students from more than one grade level, the team must be entered at the higher-grade level.
    • For example, if there are three fifth graders and one sixth grade student, the team must be registered as a sixth-grade team.

300 Yard Shuttle Run Rules and Regulations

  • The University of Pennsylvania will conduct the 128th Annual Relay Carnival for boys and girls at Franklin Field on Friday, April 26th, 2024.
  • Schools are encouraged to enter this meet. However, participation is on a voluntary basis and substitute service cannot be provided.
  • Schools are also responsible for their transportation needs. SEPTA is recommended.

General Instructions & Supervisory Committee Rules

General Instructions

A. Pupils should wear sufficient top clothing for adequate protection in case of inclement weather conditions while waiting before and after their races.

B. On arrival, all coaches should pick up their team packets from staff outside of Section EA. This section is located on South Street next to the river.

C. Approximately one hour before the race is scheduled, all Shuttle Teams should assemble in the lower sections of SA and SB

D. The teams will be summoned to the field area. They will enter the field by going down the steps and proceeding to the field through the gate next to the number area. Athletes will be taken to the proper starting points by event officials.

E. Coaches are not permitted on to the field. Only credentialed personnel are permitted. Security personnel will be monitoring for any unauthorized person.

F. As soon as their races has been completed, all participants will be return to the grandstand by the personnel on the field.

G. Coaches should make provisions for securing the valuables of their pupils.

Please be reminded that many times the races run ahead of schedule. Keep alert for your event.

Supervisory Committee Rules

A. Participating students must secure parental permission to compete (Form EH80). Pupils participating in the regular physical education program without medical restriction shall be considered medically cleared for participation.

B. Any pupil may be prohibited from competition at the discretion of the Principal.

C. A pupil shall not represent his school on a day when he has been absent from school, except by permission of the Principal.

D. Pupils must be academically eligible according to School District policy.

E. A student who is entered in the 4×100 relay may not be entered into the shuttle relay for their school.

F. In the 300 yard shuttle relay race participants must be:

12 years or younger for 6th graders
11 years or younger for 5th graders
10 years or younger for 4th graders

Sports Physicals

All District and Charter School participants are required to fill out the following medical form (the “CIPPE”) before participating in any athletic competitions sponsored by the School District of Philadelphia:

PIAA Comprehensive Initial Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (CIPPE)

Click Here for a list of locations and events to receive a sports physical.

Coaching Resources & Opportunities

View Coaching Opportunities

How to become a Coach

Step 1: Create an NFHS Learn account

Create an NFHS Learn account by going to

Step 2: Review required NFHS Coaching Certifications

High School and Middle School Coaching Certifications

  • NFHS Coach Level 2 Certification
    • Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (FREE)
    • Heat Illness Prevention (FREE)
    • Protecting Students from Abuse (FREE)
    • Sudden Cardiac Arrest (FREE)
    • Concussion in Sports (FREE)
    • Coaching Unified Sports* (FREE & Counts as a sports specific course)
    • Fundamentals of Coaching $ (Required by PIAA for high school)
    • First Aid Health & Safety $ (Required by PIAA for high school)

**Free courses should be completed first before requesting paid ($) courses using the NFHS PAID COURSE REQUEST FORM**


  • PIAA Requires Fundamentals of Coaching & First Aid Health & Safety courses to be completed within 2 years of hire.
  • The Division of Athletics pays for the “paid courses”
  • Once you have earned an NFHS certificate, it does not go away.

Intramural Facilitator

  • NFHS Coach Level 1
    • Fundamentals of Coaching $
    • Sudden Cardiac Arrest (FREE)
    • Concussion in Sports (FREE)
    • Protecting Students from Abuse (FREE)

Step 3: Follow these steps to earn rated pay as a coach

  1. Create an NFHS Learn account at
  2. Take all required FREE courses for NFHS Coach Level 2 Certificate (see list to the right) **Take Coaching Unified Sports. It’s FREE and counts as sport-specific course**
  3. Request PAID courses for NFHS Level 2 Coach (Fundamentals of Coaching and First Aid Health & Safety) using the PAID COURSE REQUEST FORM
    Complete PAID courses
  4. Register for SDP coach written exam using the SDP COACH WRITTEN EXAM REGISTRATION FORM (see link in navigation bar)
  5. Take and pass written exam


Step 4: Path to become a high qualified coach


Coaches in the SDP are encouraged to continue to develop themselves as coaches of their teams. Through the SDP Coaching Program, we offer two levels of “rating” — Qualified (Level III) and Highly-Qualified (Level IV). Once you become a Qualified or High Qualified coach, it provides you with credentials to coach within the SDP. As stated in “The Bridge”, a coach who is Highly-Qualified can bump a non-highly-qualified coach from a position within their school building if they want to coach that sport. Being designated as Highly-Qualified protects your rights as a coach in your school building.


After earning an NFHS Coach Level 2 Certificate and passing the written exam…

  1. Contact the Sport Chair for the sport you coach
  2. Use the Practical Exam Registration link to register for the exam
  3. Take and pass the practical exam

The Sport Chair will determine the result of the practical examination, and if passing whether to rate a coach Qualified (Level III) or Highly Qualified (Level IV) based on the results of the exam.

Resources, Forms, & Exam Schedules

NFHS Paid Course Request Form
Please submit this form if you have completed all FREE required courses for NFHS Coach Level 2 certification.

Written Exam Schedule

Click here to register for the next exam




In compliance with the Pennsylvania General Assembly Act 82 of 2012, The School District of Philadelphia has filed the Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Forms (Disclosure Forms) for the school year. The Disclosure Forms provide a detailed review of athletic programs offered by the District, the number of students participating, the cost of each competitive athletic program, and other relevant information regarding each team that operates as a member of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) for grades 9 through 12. Please note: Many of our schools partner with neighboring schools to form cooperative partnerships (co-ops) for their athletic programs. The data on the Disclosure Forms reflects those students who are participating in a program at a particular school, regardless of where they are enrolled. If you have further questions, please contact the Division of Athletics ( 

School District of Philadelphia Interscholastic Athletics Disclosure Forms are available here:

Please visit the PA Department of Education website for more information about the Disclosure of Interscholastic Athletics Opportunities and Act 82.

For more information about the District’s Title IX Policies and Procedures please review Board Policies here and find the District’s Title IX Coordinator information below:

Andrea Prince, MACP
Title IX Coordinator
The School District of Philadelphia

Something Missing? Broken Link?