What is the mandatory content for schools?

About Us/Description of school/Welcome message
Bell Schedule
Operating Schedule
Policies (ex: uniform), or a student handbook
Parents & students preferred content

Strongly Recommended
News & Events
Faculty & Staff

What is the new procedure for linking to School Board policies and forms?

To reduce redundancy and eliminate outdated forms and policies, please link directly to the page the policy or form currently resides on. If the office or school happens to make any updates, your website will continue to be accurate. This reduces confusion for parents and staff. The Board of Education asks that you do not download and upload a policy or form to your website.

How do I add a webpublisher to my website?

If assigning a webpublisher to a school website, all requests must go through the Role Access Delegation (RAD) app in the employee portal.

If assigning a webpublisher to an office website, all request must go through the Webpublisher Authorization Form.

Emails and phone calls cannot be accepted at this time.

I was assigned as Webpublisher for my website but I can't edit my website. Why?

You may not have completed the Website Accessibility Training. This is required for every existing Webpublisher before official access can be given. In the email confirming you have been assigned as Webpublisher, should have the URL to the Website Accessibility Training. The URL to the Website Accessibility Training can be found here.

If you completed the Website Accessibility Training, please email webmaster@philasd.org

Can I have an external website for my school?

At this time, all district related offices and schools must have a district website as their primary website.

How do I request translation for my website or documents?

Please contact FACE’s Translation services for assistance.

How do I get access to the District photos folder?

All District employees have access to the Google folder with photos. To get access, click here.

How do I embed a Google calendar on my website?

To embed a Google calendar, please follow these instructions.

How can I check my website's analytics?

For Webpublishers to check their website’s Google analytics, they will need to know their office’s or school’s Google account information. Every office and school has a main Google account and should be accessible to individuals within that department/school. If they are not aware of the email address and/or password, please contact the I.T Helpdesk at 215-400-5555.

Once the credentials are known, they will be able to access the Google analytics using the following URL: