Pre-Kindergarten (Preschool) Programs

Free, full-day pre-kindergarten services for children ages 3-5.

Pre-Kindergarten Registration

PreK applications now available for the 2025-2026 school year. Secure your child’s spot today!

  • Free, full-day pre-kindergarten services for children ages 3-5.
  • Rolling enrollment as a child turns three. Children who are five on or before September 1st must apply to Kindergarten.
  • Registration can be completed online or in person. Find a location near you.

Prekindergarten Programs

Free full-day, prekindergarten programs are available to families with three and four-year-old children who meet the eligibility requirements set by the local, state and federal governments. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Prekindergarten Curriculum and Daily Schedule

The School District of Philadelphia has designed and implemented a developmentally appropriate curriculum in literacy, math, science and social studies for all our prekindergarten programs, which

  • Meets Pennsylvania State Standards for PreKindergarten and Early Learning
  • Defines best teaching practices
  • Includes methods and materials that respect the rich cultural heritages and diverse learning styles of all our children
  • Includes activities that connect school and home

A typical prekindergarten classroom is divided into the following learning centers:

Library, Writing, Science, Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Art, Music, Computers, Puzzles and Games

PA Early Learning Standards 

Pennsylvania’s Learning Standards for Early Childhood are research-based according to age and development, and form the foundation for curriculum, assessment, instruction and intervention within early care and education programs.

For more information, click the following link to visit the PA Early Learning Standards for Early Childhood website.

Schedule for Prekindergarten

  • Breakfast/Journal Entry
  • Question of the Day
  • Large Group
  • Read-Aloud
  • Choice Time
  • Small Group
  • Outdoors
  • Transition Activities
  • Lunch
  • Writing/ Table Toys
  • Small Group
  • Toothbrushing
  • Read Aloud
  • Rest Time
  • Snack
  • Large-Group

To preview a Sample Lesson Plan, click HERE.

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

The CACFP provides a daily nutritional breakfast, lunch and snack for your child while enrolled in prekindergarten at no cost to families.

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

For all other FNS nutrition assistance programs, state or local agencies, and their subrecipients, must post the following Nondiscrimination Statement:
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Learn More about our Partnerships

Community Childcare Centers & Partner Locations

The School District of Philadelphia partners with over 50 community agencies at over 100 center locations throughout the City of Philadelphia to provide educational, health, and nutritional services to three and four-year-olds. The District and the partners work together to ensure that all children receive high-quality programs so that they arrive at school ready to learn. The programs are all full-day and is free to eligible families.

Register for Pre-K Today!

Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year Now Available

Secure your child’s spot today!
Register online or in person

How to Register Online

Registering online is easy but does require a number of steps, and a number of documents you’ll need to provide. Be prepared to spend 15 minutes to a half-hour filling out the form online, plus whatever time you’ll need to collect and prepare the documents we’ll need.

PLEASE NOTE: Rolling enrollment as a child turns three. Children who are five on or before September 1st must apply to Kindergarten.

Step 1: Find a Pre-K Location Near You

Why two lists? Because they fall into two categories (“School-Based” and “Community-Based”). All meet our District standards for quality – any location you choose from either list has met with our seal of approval.

Step 2: Collect ALL Required Documentation

Applications will be processed when the documentation below is received. 

  • Proof of child’s date of birth (Birth certificate, visa, health insurance card, etc.)
  • Proof of TANF cash, SNAP/food stamps, other documentation of family income (W-2, etc.), or signed statement of unemployment
  • Proof of Philadelphia residency (Lease, Peco bill, water bill, etc.)
  • Picture identification of parent/guardian

Enrollment will be final when the documentation below is received.

  • Child’s health insurance card or proof of medical assistance
  • Record of Child’s Immunizations
  • Wellness Exam (Wellness Form)
  • Dental Exam (Dental Form)

If applicable additional documents may be needed:

  • Copy of child’s IEP
  • Custody order
  • Documentation of Medical Assistance
  • Med-1 form if staff will need to administer medication to your child or use any medical equipment
  • Foster letter
  • McKinney Vento verification letter/shelter letter
  • CACFP Enrollment Forms: EnglishSpanish

Documentation Exceptions

The School District of Philadelphia aligns policies and practices with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Foster/Kinship care, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and families in temporary living situations are not required to submit all documentation when applying. These families have 90 days after enrollment to submit the necessary documentation. For more details, call 215-400-4270.

Step 3: Register Online

Don’t forget your required documents.

How to Register in Person

Registration is available in person at one of our 200 locations.

PLEASE NOTE: Rolling enrollment as a child turns three. Children who are five on or before September 1st must apply to Kindergarten.

Step 1: Find a Pre-K Location Near You

Why two lists? Because they fall into two categories (“School-Based” and “Community-Based”). All meet our District standards for quality – any location you choose from either list has met with our seal of approval.

Step 2: Collect ALL Required Documentation

Applications will be processed when the documentation below is received. 

  • Proof of child’s date of birth (Birth certificate, visa, health insurance card, etc.)
  • Proof of TANF cash, SNAP/food stamps, other documentation of family income (W-2, etc.), or signed statement of unemployment
  • Proof of Philadelphia residency (Lease, Peco bill, water bill, etc.)
  • Picture identification of parent/guardian

Enrollment will be final when the documentation below is received.

  • Child’s health insurance card or proof of medical assistance
  • Record of Child’s Immunizations
  • Wellness Exam (Wellness Form)
  • Dental Exam (Dental Form)

If applicable additional documents may be needed:

  • Copy of child’s IEP
  • Custody order
  • Documentation of Medical Assistance
  • Med-1 form if staff will need to administer medication to your child or use any medical equipment
  • Foster letter
  • McKinney Vento verification letter/shelter letter
  • CACFP Enrollment Forms: EnglishSpanish

Documentation Exceptions

The School District of Philadelphia aligns policies and practices with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Foster/Kinship care, Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and families in temporary living situations are not required to submit all documentation when applying. These families have 90 days after enrollment to submit the necessary documentation. For more details, call 215-400-4270.

Step 3: Fill out a paper application

2025-2026 Coming Year Applications

Choose your language to download an application (languages coming soon).
English | Español SHQIP | عربي | 汉语 | Français | ខ្មែរ Portuguese | Русский | Việt Ukrainian

2024-2025 Current Year Applications

Choose your language to download an application.
English | Español SHQIP | عربي | 汉语 | Français | ខ្មែរ | Portuguese | Русский | Việt | Ukrainian

Step 4: Visit a location to register

Use this link to find locations.

Don’t forget your application and required documentation.


Family Resources

  • School Year 2025-2026 Download a Pre-K Flyer in your language (more coming soon)
    English | Español | SHQIP | عربي | 汉语 | Français | Portuguese | Русский | Việt
  • The Parent Toolkit – Designed to help you track and support your child’s progress during your child’s journey from preschool through high school.
  • Free or Low-Cost Health Insurance – Does Your Child Need Health Insurance Coverage?  Call PCCY’s Child Healthline at 215-563-5848 x17 or click here.


Please spend at least 30 minutes a day reading with your child. Let’s read together to make our children’s futures successful! Use the activities below to help your child read on grade level.

  • Free Library of Philadelphia – Free with a Library card. Check out digital movies, television, music, online learning resources and ebooks for all ages.
  • Tumblebooks Series – Read Aloud for Prekindergarten – Grade 3
  • Starfall – Learn to read using games & phonics and to learn math.
  • PBS Kids – Entertaining and educational games and videos for young children.

Learning and Fun

  • Learning is Everywhere – Help your child learn with everyday activities to do with your child using everyday items.  Monthly Activities Calendar in printable format, available in English and Español

Storybooks and Picture Books


Learning Activities

Annual Report

Click here to download our annual report.

Prekindergarten FAQs in Other Languages 
English | Spanish | Albanian | Arabic | Chinese | French | Khmer | Portuguese | Russian | Vietnamese

What are the ages of prekindergarten children?

  • A child must be at least 3 years old to enroll in PreK, but you can start the application process before they turn 3.
  • If a child turns 5 years old on or before September 1st, they should be enrolled in kindergarten.
  • If a child turns 5 years old on or after September 2nd, they are age-eligible for Pre-K.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost.

What are the eligibility requirements?

A child must meet the above age requirement, must reside in Philadelphia, PA, and the family must be income-eligible for the funding that is offered in the location/s of choice.

How do I apply?

Registration can be completed online or in person.

Do parents have to complete a new preschool application if the child is returning to the program for a 2nd year?

Most parents do not have to complete a new application; a new set of CACFP lunch forms maybe required.

When will I know if my child is accepted for admission to the program?

You will be notified by mail, by telephone call or by email of your child’s acceptance or waiting-list status within 6 weeks of submission of your child’s completed application. Notification may be delayed depending on the time of year application was submitted.

Why is my child on the waitlist and how long can my child stay on the waitlist?

Each location has a maximum funded capacity. A waiting list is established when the number of applications exceeds the capacity.  It is possible for a child to remain on the waiting list for the entire school year. Admitting a waiting-list child to Pre-K is dependent on another child leaving the Pre-K program at a particular location. When an opening occurs, a family on the waiting list for that particular location is called.

What are the days and hours?

Pre-K is a September – June program, following The School District’s school year calendar; hours may vary, by location, but general hours are:

Monday – Thursday, 8:30-3:00

Friday, 8:30-12:30

Are uniforms required?

Uniforms are not a mandatory requirement for Pre-K students; however, some principals require the Pre-K children to wear the school’s uniform colors. Uniform information will be discussed at parent orientation. Children should wear comfortable clothing that will allow for active participation in program activities. Socks are to be worn at all times. Only sneakers or closed shoes should be worn. Jewelry, small beads and other fashion accessories are unsafe and must not be worn.

Will my child be given lunch?

Pre-K employs a full-time dietitian to assess the nutritional needs of children and families. We provide FREE meals daily and accommodate all food restrictions/needs.

Is there school bus service?

Transportation services through The School District of Philadelphia are not provided for Pre-K children.

Is there before and after care services?

Many of our locations offer before and after care. Contact our office for more information.

Will I be able to meet my child’s teacher and see his/her classroom before the first day of school?

Yes, parents of newly enrolled children will have this opportunity during an orientation meeting that is scheduled between the parent and teacher. Parents will get one-on-one conferences with their child’s teacher throughout the year to discuss their child’s progress and any family concerns. These conferences can take place in the family’s home or at the school.

What does my child learn?

Teachers use a high-quality curriculum that meets Pennsylvania State Standards for PreKindergarten, defines best teaching practices, includes methods and materials that respect the rich cultural heritages and diverse learning styles of all our children while including activities that connect school and home.

How is the classroom organized?

A typical prekindergarten classroom is divided into the following learning centers: Library, Writing, Science, Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Art, Music, Computers, Puzzles and Games

What does a typical day look like?

Morning Activities

Breakfast, Circle Time, Focus – Literacy/Independent Activities, Outdoors, Story Time, Small Groups

Afternoon Activities

Lunch, Story Time, Rest Time, Snack, Story Time

What if my child has a medical condition?

Pre-K families have access to nurses, special needs coordinators, and mental health specialists to deliver comprehensive health services for children and families.

What if my child has an IEP?

Students with IEPS are served on-site, closely coordinated with Early Intervention team. Mental health consultants are available to all centers and work closely with the family to address any concerns.

Can someone other than parent/guardian escort my child to school?

Parents, or an escort designated by parents, are required to use the escort book to sign their child into and out of the center each day. Parents, or an escort designated by parents, are required to accompany their child into the classroom. Children are only released to persons whose names appear on the center records as an escort. Escorts must show picture identification, for example, a driver’s license or employer or school ID. Escorts must be at least eighteen (18) years old.

Can parents get involved?

Pre-K provides parents with many opportunities to be engaged and involved including education and cultural enrichment events, classroom participation, various program sub-committees, and program decision making.

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